Friday, May 24, 2013

Omar Lalani

We are very pleased to announce our next show, Alligator Eyes which will be opening June 13th and feature a solo exhibition of art work by Omar Lalani. The show will introduce new works by Omar and feature his expressive paintings on paper.

The art works included in the show explore traditional themes of painting including the human form, color, abstraction, gesture, and mark making. These are timeless and relevant themes that Omar experiments with from his own unique and contemporary perspective. And with the energy and passion of youthful exuberance.

For more info or an invitation to the show email

Alligator Eyes
A solo exhibit of paintings on paper my Omar Lalani

Private reception and opening June 13th from 5-9pm
RandM Collective
Lower level of Art Central
100 - 7 Ave SW

Visit Omar's site HERE for more on his work.